This post is a continuation of an ongoing series discussing "Bible Authority", you might want to consider reading Part 1 and Part 2 before you proceed:

In order to carry out the Christian’s obligation from a direct command, approved example, and implication, there is the area of expediency. An expedient is that which expedites, aids, assists, helps, and benefits the obligation to be carried out. When one looks at the word “expedient” in the original language it is translated from the Greek word “sumphero.” This word appears some seventeen times in the New Testament. Only seven times is this word translated into English as “expedient.” It is translated more times as “profit, profitable, better, or good,” and not always connected to Bible authority.

However, the realm of expediency is involved in the fulfillment of every action authorized by God. When God specified how an obligation is to be carried out, the how is just as binding as the obligation. But, if no specification is divinely given as to how the obligation is to be carried out, then the manner and method of fulfillment are left up to human judgment, or rather the realm of expediency. It must be stated here, that where there is no Bible authority (direct command, approved example, or implication), there is no expediency. There must be an obligation established in Scripture if one is to employ an expedient. Arbitrarily calling something an expedient does not make it so. It must be expediting the fulfillment of an authorized obligation not adding to or subtracting from the Divine command of God!

Be sure to follow the series:

Bible Authority (part 1): An Introduction

Bible Authority (part 2): How the Bible Authorizes 

Bible Authority (part 3): Bible Expediency