White Harvest is an annual effort of the members of North Main to reach out to the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Since 2003 our members have committed to going “over and above” the regular budgeted amount for mission works.   The name stems from John 4:35 where Jesus told His disciples: “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”

Our White Harvest Sunday is always the first Sunday of November.  If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Trey Pitchford.

Missions we support

Gospel Chariot

George Funk has preached in Africa most of his life and after years of ministry has several trucks called "Gospel Chariots" which are mobile tents, pulpits, baptistries.   One of these trucks can go to a town and set up so people from all over can come and hear the Gospel.  

The Sudan Project

The newest nation in the world (South Sudan) is very receptive to the Gospel.  A preacher training school and health clinic in Pajok are reaching thousands with hope and health in that war-torn part of the world.  

India Evangelism

Royce Frederick, director of  India Evangelism, makes annual trips to India to train preachers, help churches and assist in the "Building Without Walls" construction process.  He publishes the GOSPEL TEACHER which is used widely in India.  Our White Harvest funds also help provide one-time gifts to local preachers, and purchase Bibles in native languages.

Middle East Missions

Philip Ganta directs the Dubai School of Preaching in Dubai UAE.  He also travels throughout the Middle East to spread the Gospel, plant churches, train leaders, and follow up on new converts.  He also organizes a large campaign in India each year.  

World Bible School

This correspondence outreach has been used all over the world in many languages and thousands have been led to the Lord and hundreds of churches planted. Our funds help support the writing and printing of the materials used.  Our White Harvest funds also help our local WBS study helpers (approximately 20 members) in their efforts to teach the gospel. 

Honduras / Siguatepeque Outreach

Native preachers in Honduras are preaching in the central part of Honduras.  About 38 churches have been planted over the years and continue to grow as the Word is faithfully proclaimed. The goal is that these churches will grow and mature and become self supporting.

South Africa

In Kwadwesi, RSA, William Tengani faithfully preaches and teaches in this area which is a part of the Port Elizabeth metro area. Brother Tengani regularly knocks doors, holds campaigns, and works to strengthen the brethren in this area.

Missions Response Fund

Funds are needed throughout the year for emergency needs of our missionaries and their families.  It includes medical needs, travel funds, disaster relief, etc.  It is necessary to support our missionaries as they work to spread the Gospel.

Missions Travel Fund

Designed to help members of our congregation travel to the mission fields, to participate in the work, to encourage the missionaries, and to get first hand knowledge of the works we support.